
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

My brother just graduated from high school last Friday. It didn't rain. It poured. Luckily they had tent but all the girls in their high heels were getting stuck in the mud when the walked to and from the stage to recieve their diploma. It was amusing. I didn't take any pictures of the actual ceremony because we were so far away but I did get some pictures of a dude with a sweet mullet and big ole womb broom. I'll post them soon at dumbbox.

I finally got the Santa Cruz Bullit. It's sort of a mixmatch of parts but should do fine when I get it built properly later this week. Unforunately the 5th Element (rear shock) was busted by UPS in shipping. I will be reimbursed but I have to wait for the part before I can ride it. Dumbasses. Pictures soon. I went riding at Nepaug on Sunday with Jimmy and Steve. That place was awesome. We found this trail called "Tower of Power" that had all sorts of nasty freeride obstacles. A perfect place for the Bullit. Hopefully I'll have the Bullit ready next weekend and we'll take pictures of the trail and me hurting myself.

The music sharing is just about done on the dumbbox. I'm having trouble with the streaming portion right now (download works fine), but it doesn't matter so much anyway because my upstream is only 256KB/s (the streaming will be pretty bumpy, especially if its a high quality mp3). The login is deep and the password is dish. If I get a zillion hits because other people are reading this then I'll change it. I'll let you know though.

Words of the Day
farrago - a motley assortment of things: hodgepodge (like the parts on the Bullit)
supernal - being or coming from on high: celestial
arabesque - position in which a dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a convential pose
habituation - addiction or dependency
solicitous - fill of anxiety and concern (like Craig when we stole the Christmas tree...you heathen)

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