
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I'm bored so I'm writing again.

The last two things of note I recall are a weekend in NYC and then several days in San Francisco. New York was quite a debacle. I saw Corey and Diane and Jen and some other RPI dorks. We rode in this crazy pimp taxi and the driver was smoking an enormous blunt. His name was Al. We went to a place called the Dark Room and it was really dark. It had sort of a neo-punk clientele and I am olfactorily certain that there were several who didn't think it was cool to shower. We ended up closing a bar nearby called the Piano where I did two heaping shots of Jagger at 4:30AM with a dude that claimed to be a professional skateboarder. He said Bam Margera is a huge pussy. I was hungover for a few days and caught a cold at the same time.

The following Thursday I headed to San Francisco with two friends from work, Beibhinn and Aleana. We stayed in Oakland at Aleana's sister's place. The weather was glorious and we kept ourselves very busy. We spent Friday climbing at Pinnacles (I couldn't get up the 5.11a or 5.11b that we attempted). It has made me extremely excited for the warm weather here so I can start climbing outside. That night we saw some a weird asian transvestite show at a place called Asia SF and then stayed out late. We ended up at a dingy place called Ediniburgh Castle that reportedly is Irvine Welsh's current hang out. There were readings by him on CD for sale that he recently had recorded there. No Irvine sightings though.

Saturday we did the tourist thing as Beibhinn had never been to SF. We saw the Goldan Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf and some other classics. We then met up with some friends of Aleana's and partied the night away after a delicious meal at a serious Italian place. It was like that SNL skit. I think we went to a place called the Red Dragon and danced with alot of Asians.

Sunday we hiked around Marin County in the Tamalpais state park and Muir woods. We saw the giant redwoods which were pretty spectacular, picnicked on Muir Beach, and had a beer at the Pelican Inn. John Muir was a Scottish geographer that all these places were named after. He was repsonsible for making sure that whole area (and lots of other current state parks) were protected from logging and general destruction. It's funny how it often takes a foreigner to realize how lucky we are here. That evening we went to one of my cousin's for a cookout and cocktails. It was great to see everybody.

Monday we were exhausted and spent the day travelling home. It was an awesome time. Pics on the dummbox soon.

Words of the Day
dacoit - a member of an armed gang of robbers
pernicious - exceedingly harmful: baneful, deadly
amphora - an ancient jar with two handles and a narrow neck
languid - lacking spirit or liveliness: lackadaisical
torpid - slow and apathetic: inert, dormant

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