
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Well it's been an interesting past couple of weeks. I've been in a serious search for a car and ended up deciding on the mid-80s German sportscar category. This narrows it down to a Porsche or a BMW. If you're going to get a mid-80s Porsche, well, it better be a 911 and if you're going to get an E30 BMW, well, it better be an M3. The first generation M3s are very hard to come by so I've decided on the 911. I've actually found the one I'm going to buy and hopefully will buy it this week.

So, last Friday Jim and I decided to head up north to do some hiking and retrieve his 2002. This is a list of our destinations: Hartford->East Hartland->New Hartford->Keene Valley->Lac Manitou->Hartford. We headed up to East Hartland, CT Friday evening to check out an '84 911. It was the European model and in way too nice condition for me. The guy selling it was a state cop and he was asking around $24K. Too much. We then headed a bit south to New Hartford to check out the Ski Sundown ski swap. I tried on some tele gear, but didn't buy anything. Jim bought an oldschool pair of wood tele skis. We then headed for the Adirondacks.

We arrived in Keene Valley around 1AM and headed up to the Giant's Washbowl. We got all settled into camp by 3AM, had few beers, and were in bed by 4AM. We got up the next morning and headed for the summit. It was a steep hike up and pretty chilly at the summit, but a clear day overall and great views. We then headed down the Roaring Brook trail back to Giant's Washbowl, picked up the overnight gear, and headed back for the Rabbit. Pretty uneventful hike, but I took some great photos up at the summit.

We arrived at the Hoen's on Lac Manitou around 9PM. Pone was not expecting us at all because he doesn't check the answering machine and was rather suprised. We had a few beers and then hit the sack. I slept like the dead. The next day was spent shovelling out Jim's 2002 and repairing his bad caliper. We got it running pretty well and prepared to take off early for home the next day.

Monday we got up, tinkered with the 2002 and hit the road. It took about 8 hours to get back - definitely the longest I've ever been in a car from Manitou. That kinda sucked.

Either way it was certainly a change from the regular weekend stupidity. It was great to get outdoors and go for a good hike. My legs are still wicked sore. This upcoming weekend is Alumni Weekend at the house and I'm pretty excited. Back to the regular weekend stupidity.

Pics of the weekend on the dumbbox.

Words of the Day
marquee - large and often sumptuous tent; permanent canopy
repudiation - rejecting or disclaiming as invalid: renunciation
accede - submit or yield to another’s wish: defer
abrogation - an official or legal cancellation: repeal, annulment
sempiternal - having no known beginning and presumably no end: endless

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