
Monday, January 24, 2005

Haven't posted anything in a while. I've been having some car trouble and that's been keeping me kind of busy. The wheel on the Jeep fell off the other day. Once at night and we fixed it and then again the following day as I was pulling into work. The rolling tire almost nailed one of the managers. That would've been great. I've since pulled the hubs and have been trying to press the lugs out so I can replace them. Due to some design flaw or just old age the lugs have mushroomed just above the knurl and have become stuck in the hubs. I've had to cut them all off, drill them out, and then use a chamfer bit to cut away the mushroom. It's time-consuming to say the least. Hopefully I can get the stupid thing back together this week. It's been kinda cold riding my bike to work.

Skiing this weekend was great. About a foot of snow fell Saturday night and Sunday we got up for an unbelievable day. Not too crowded and plenty of fresh powder. Hucking was the name of the game as falling did not result in the severe trauma that it normally does on the boilerplate. It will be cold all this week and the slopes should be excellent next weekend with all the new snow groomed in.

Next book will probably be "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins (www.johnperkins.org). Check it out.

Words of the Day
quiddity - an evasion of the point of argument by raising irrelevant distinctions; the essence that makes something the kind of thing it is and makes it different from any other
repudiate - cast off or disown: refuse, renounce
sibilance - a hissing sound
ghazal - a kind of Oriental lyric, usually erotic
saturnine - bitter or scornful: glum, sullen

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