
Monday, December 13, 2004

I've been very busy lately with many projects but the DMV has been wasting most of my time. I finally picked up the 9-1-1. It's the greatest car ever. It is so entirely superior to anything I've ever driven. I am such a snob. So I've spent my time trying to get it and the incredibly not-road-legal jeep on the road. This has proved frustrating, but I suspected this because it has contained several trips to the DMV. As long as you tell yourself the first time that there is no way you could have possibly filled everything out exactly how they wanted it and you will surely need to come back a second time (and maybe third or, now, fourth as in my case) then you won't be dissapointed. I learned this lesson a long time ago. The DMV's generous hours (open til 4:30 Tuesday to Friday) and incredibly helpful employees make the experience even more enjoyable. As I mentioned above, I will be returning for the fourth (and hopefully final time) to get the dreaded Jeep back on the road this week.

Here's some news on other things that kept me sick for three weeks from lack of resting. The subwoofer amplifier is coming along slowly, but at least it's coming. The power supply is nearly done and the board is pretty much all sodomized. I'll spend an evening doing some machining in Jim's garage but hopefully I can have it done for partytime Thursday night. The Jeep requires some work to at least make it driveable in the winter...like a top. The top is covered in nasty shit from a fire we had in the garage a long time ago (our Volvo burned to a crisp because...well that's another story for another time...and it would incriminate my dad). I went to the Homo Deposit and picked up two wonderful cancer-causing agents for cleaning the top: denatured alcohol and acetone. What was the first thing I did when I got home? You guessed it, I spilled the denatured alcohol all over my arm...and then made a cocktail. I'm not too worried though, I'll probably die from exposure on a mountain top before the cancer takes hold. Ah well. I can't remember what else I've been keeping busy with. I guess I shouldn't have had that cocktail after all. I do know though that alot of my free time has been spent driving the Porsche.

This past weekend I went to Mt. Snow for a weekend of skiing and debauchery. We had a great time eventhough the conditions were pretty miserable Saturday. Steve and Kendra showed up late for a little schnaeboarding but were too hungover to stay the night. Sunday I rolled out of bed around 10 and found it colder and snowing. It probably would've been a great day but I had to get home to help the folks get things ready for Christmas. Driving home was great. It was clear, cool and dry and the 911 was ripping. It's most dangerous on the highway simply because of how comfortable it feels at high speeds (100+ mph). I'm so going to get a massive ticket or arrested but the speeding just can't be helped. The car also inspires other drivers who think they're tough to drive fast. People will try to catch up and pass you. Then you blow them away. Anyway I got home without a ticket and then spent two hours in prickly pine bushes putting up some stupid lights. It was exhilerating.

This Thursday there's a Christmas party one of the big swinging dicks from my company is having at his big swinging house in Farmington. I wasn't going to go because I can't stand all the brown-nosing and empty promises of base touching. However, friends from my work project are going so I decided I guess will too. I'll either A) drink alot and make an ass of myself or B) try and lift the big swinging dick's hot new plasma TV. I figure if I go there I might as well make it worth my while. I know he's got to have a big plasma TV or at something expensive I can snake. Either way it's going to suck but I'm having a party at my apartment afterwards so that should make things better. And hopefully the sub will be done by then as well to destroy everyone's head.

Oh yes, another good bit of news. I found out last week that the Porsche is not, in fact, a North American model. It's a grey market import. This means its faster (230HP instead of 207HP) and lighter. I think the guy sold it to me not knowing it was an import. I should have paid an additional $5K. It has smaller bumpers and comes with this ridiculous german medical kit under the hood. It's called a medical kit but it really should be a called a trauma kit. I mean, there's enough bandaging in there to take of someone who's lost an arm. Classic. German. Ich fliegen fort.

Words of the Day
scullery - a small room near the kitchen (British)
- commonly put forth as true on inconclusive grounds: reputed, supposed
miscreant - a person without moral scruples: reprobate
prosaic - not fanciful or imaginative
puritanical - exaggeratedly proper: prissy

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