
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Aarrggghh! We're all doomed. A Republican House, Senate and President. And the Supreme Court will soon have a conservative majority. This isn't the way the country was intended to work. I would normally say that it really doesn't matter in the long run because not much can really change in four years. However, with this line up anything is possible. Soon the Bible will become the main text in elementary schools and newspeak will become the national language.

Well, I'm running away to Canada this weekend. The borders will probably be clogged with fleeing New Englanders. I haven't decided if I'll be coming back or not...

Words of the Day
brazier - metal container in which charcoal or coal is burned
dolorous - showing sorrow: lachrymose
amphisbaena ["am(p)-f&s-'bE-n&] - a serpent with a head at each end of its body (Greek mythology)
phantasmagoria - a constantly changing medley of real or imagined images
inure - to accustom to accept something undesirable; to become of advantage

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Monday, November 01, 2004

A horrifically toxic weekend. It all started Thursday night with co-worker Aleana's birthday. We went to some shitty club (the Brickyard, better know as the Dickyard) in hartford that had unbelievably cheap drinks. That was the initial problem. Somewhere in there I had a shot of Jaeger. That was the second problem. We went back to my apartment after closing the bar for more entertainment. They say bad things come in threes, right? Well, someone (most likely me) broke out the Hulk Hands. That was the third problem. I beat on a few co-workers (including two ladies, whoops). One of the ladies ended up smacking me in the back of the head and I did sailor's dive into one of the suspended speakers. My thin blood trickled over my face while I layed on the ground. I slowly recovered. Eventually they left. The dumbbox has pictures that tell a better story. Notice the absurd amount of hats floating around.

I didn't got to work Friday. I didn't do anything Friday night. Oh, my roommate Ben hooked up with some ugly fat chick. Ha! Speaking of ugly fat chicks, co-worker Nate was on a serious hog hunt Thursday night. He didn't have any luck though.

Saturday was Halloween party time. Oliver came up and we went to the homebrew store. I bought materials for a Scotch Ale and he bought the few materials needed to make hard cider. Fast forward a few hours. Ben has decided that the three of us should be the Sobriety Exterminators. We're going to wear white coveralls and pesticide sprayer backpacks that have some terrible elixir within. Ok, great idea Ben, how is this all going to come together...Tripp. So we go to Homo Deposit, Walgreens and the Liquor store. Somehow it all comes together and we have pretty silly costumes and we each have about 2 gallons of some very potent booze. Mine was called Black Jesus, Dave had The Passion, and Ben's was Red Menace (he couldn't come up with some mildly offensive religious pseudonym). All three were based on about a liter of Grave's grain alcohol. Delicious. Oliver dressed up as the shittiest robot ever in the leftover cardboard from out pesticide sprayers and coveralls. One of his arms said "Man Machine" and the other said "I am the robots". Nobody seemed to get it. Oh well, I guess that's why they're all going to be lawyers and not Kraftwerk-lovers. We went to two UCONN Law parties after starting with some people at our place. We gave out alot of the elixirs. People drank the most Black Jesus eventhough they said it wasn't as good as the others. I was very adamant about forcing the liquid on people. Roboman (at times - Cardboard Lobbyist) and I almost got into two fights. Once with a pudgy Roman Senator whose girlfriend I kept poking with my pesticide applicator. The other was almost with Hugh Heffner. He punched Roboman in his cardboard head for no reason and Roboman did not take kindly to this. Roboman and I can become a somewhat menacing duo after enough booze and Heff stepped down which was the correct thing to do.

I don't recall if there was anything else particularly amusing that occurred. However, Dave (who was sober) was driving us around in the shaggin wagon. Two girls came back to the apartment with us. It was suprisingly easy to get them in the car even with a license plate that has the letters GHB on it. Ha!

Dumbbox has some pictures of course.

All in all the weekend was taxing on the body. Next weekend I think I'm heading for the Great White North with Jimmy to retrieve his 2002 and do some hiking in the 'Dacks.

Words of the Day
henotheism - the worship of one god without denying the existence of others
castigate - censure severely; inflict punishment: chastise, correct
iridescence - the visual property of something having a milky brightness: opalescence
courtesan - a woman who cohabits with an important man: concubine, doxy
libidinous - driven by lust: lewd

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