
Friday, April 02, 2004

Al Franken is doing the first "liberal" talk radio show ever. Of course, ClearChannel and such companies won't touch him (they support scum like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh), but AirAmerica has picked him up. You can listen at noon online here on AirAmerica.

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Monday, March 29, 2004

We're finally getting DSL at home so I can put the webserver online for good. What does that mean for you? You can finally get access to all my wonderful music (about 27GB at this point). I expect it to be online in a week or so. I'll be sure to keep you informed.

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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Here's the multi-word dictionary lookup I was talking about: http://www.tomgroves.net/projects/vocabtool/.

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I'm doing this temporarily just to get in the habit until I have my own webserver running (which shouldn't be too long now and you will then have access to all my wonderful music). Kudos to Craig for making the suggestion and I hope you all follow suit (www.blogger.com). I could write forever here, but the idea of blogs is to be short and sweet I suppose.

Just to start out, some of my favorite most recent reads(which, of course, I strongly recommend) are: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken (nonfiction-political/humor), Zen and the Art of Motocycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig (nonfiction-philosophy), A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson (nonfiction-science/history), and The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie (fiction-philosophy).

Tripp's Terse Book Review: Lies-liberal propaganda, very funny, informative, rage-inspiring (at times); Zen-new age philosophy, challenges Aristotle/Socrates classic views, expressed through a journey of a man and his son; History-humorous, well written, modern history of mankind squeezed into 500 pages, everybody should read this book; and Verses-more metaphysics and value examination told through a strange story of two Indian men and their near death experience, Rushdie is a beautiful writer and keep a dictionary near by for this one.

I have many other interesting items but I'll put them up in pieces over time so as not to overwhelm.

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