
Sunday, March 28, 2004

I'm doing this temporarily just to get in the habit until I have my own webserver running (which shouldn't be too long now and you will then have access to all my wonderful music). Kudos to Craig for making the suggestion and I hope you all follow suit (www.blogger.com). I could write forever here, but the idea of blogs is to be short and sweet I suppose.

Just to start out, some of my favorite most recent reads(which, of course, I strongly recommend) are: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken (nonfiction-political/humor), Zen and the Art of Motocycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig (nonfiction-philosophy), A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson (nonfiction-science/history), and The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie (fiction-philosophy).

Tripp's Terse Book Review: Lies-liberal propaganda, very funny, informative, rage-inspiring (at times); Zen-new age philosophy, challenges Aristotle/Socrates classic views, expressed through a journey of a man and his son; History-humorous, well written, modern history of mankind squeezed into 500 pages, everybody should read this book; and Verses-more metaphysics and value examination told through a strange story of two Indian men and their near death experience, Rushdie is a beautiful writer and keep a dictionary near by for this one.

I have many other interesting items but I'll put them up in pieces over time so as not to overwhelm.

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