
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ok, so I wasn't able to blog every Sunday since the last post. I honestly forgot.

Anyway, we (Seth, Tom, Mike and myself) did go to NH to climb. We didn't really plan for a place to stay and slept in the cars Friday night. We were on the rock by 9 Saturday morning at the Upper Left (Barber) Wall of Cathedral. The routes there are rated as 5.8s and 5.9s but that may have been many years ago when the granite wasn't so polished. Those were hard 5.8s and 5.9s. We climbed there with a bunch of Russians until 3 or so and then had a snack, swim, and nap on the banks of the dreaded Saco. We searched out a place for some food in North Conway and then headed back to Cathedral around 8PM. We were up on Thin Air (5.6) by 10PM and climbed the first two pitches until 1AM or so by moonlight. It was a pretty cool experience. We then slept out on top of Cathedral.

Sunday we headed down to Rumney for some sport climbing. We spent the whole day at the Bonzai wall. It's a crazy sharp overhang with marbley-looking rock. Again, alot of fun, although we were hopelessly tired. Mike completed the famed Peer Pressure with style.

Besides some other climbing adventures I can only think of a few things that happened between then and now. My Trek hardtail was stolen. This was as severe blow. My parents bought it for my birthday nearly ten years ago and I've ridden it ever since. It's been on asphalt, snow, dirt, ice, and water with me and easily had hundreds of miles on it. I hope it turns up again. The good news is that I don't have that empty feeling I got when my first Honda scooter disappeared. I feel like it's still nearby and I might find it yet.

Oh speaking of scooters, the Sunday before last I got nailed at an intersection right near my apartment. It had just rained so the roads were slick. I was approaching the intersection of Western Ave and Harvard St from the north. I saw a small shitbox coming from the opposite direction with this blinker on intending to make a right (from my perspective) in front of me onto Western Ave. He clearly saw me - there was a brief moment of eye contact - but then he suddenly decided to "step on it". Well it didn't move very fast...but I was, about 25mph fast. I locked up the brakes and laid it down and smashed into the passender side rear quarter panel. Somehow I escaped with nothing more than a scrape and bruise on my leg. He just took off without stopping. License plate number "96E A22". Please shit in his car for me. The only damage was that he smashed up my front fender which can be epoxied back together. Hopefully.

Words of the Day
tenebrous - dark and gloomy
florid - elaborately or excessively ornamented: showy
eugenics - the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding
panjandrum - an important and influential person
orotund - ostentatiously lofty in style, full and rich

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