
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I just want to point out some excellent new music. It's ass-kicking, 70s rock revial Bad Wizard. Check out there album "Free and Easy". It's 28 minutes of meth-induced, Foghat-inspired, AC/DC-rad rock. It's pretty cool. Here's a snippit from a review I found:

As dynamite monster boogie shows go, you’d have to be in some biker metal Valhalla, or at least the wilds of Sweden, to find a more audacious slice of riff rawk pie than Bad Wizard’s 2001 debut, "Free and Easy", an album packed wall to wall with sex-drenched outlaw anthems juiced up to city block torching volume with nary a buzz-killing dip into pussyville in sight. It’s like some long forgotten mid 70’s 8 track that explodes when you press play, a wild mutation that’s equal parts Motorhead, Cactus, and whatever the Symbonese Liberation Army’s house band sounded like. The Wizard are flag wavers of an elite freak force of far flung Super Rockers- bands like Boston’s own Cracktorch, Detroit’s Lanternjack, Hamburg Fucking Germany’s Nixon Now-that are sloughing off the ‘stoner’ tag affixed to every greasy heavy rock band these days, and cracking open the pre- Sabbath vaults of volume for an even purer extract of rockage. Not stoned, these cats, but drunk- on gas fumes, on napalm, on power and Pabst Blue Ribbon, but most importantly, on lethal doses of holy fucking rock and roll. There is some master plan in all this, I’m sure, and I mean to discover it. But first, I think we need to address the band’s Hobbit-baiting moniker...

Words of the Day
philistinism - a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters
rubicund - inclined to a healthy reddish color associated with outdoor life: ruddy
anathematize - curse or declare to be evil: execrate
tannoy - a loudspeaker
henna - reddish brown dye used especially on hair

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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Where to start. The holiday season is always an interesting one and I haven't posted anything since several days before Christmas. I can't possibly remember all that has passed, so just some quick words on the Holidays.

Christmas was great. The whole family was back together. We had the classic Hyde Family Christmas party on Christmas Eve and all the regulars showed. The Skull showed up with Wife of Skull and Daughter of Skull but neglected to bring the little hellion he's bourn. I avoided Wife of Skull who I don't think I'll ever speak to again after the woody wagon incident. She's a terrible bitch. The Kvam/Curtiss family was there as well the Schutzers and the Hoens and some of their extended family. At some point there was a particularly interesting conversation about the origin of the word "turnpike". It was eventually decided that "in the old days" when approaching a rotary at a main intersection there was actually a large wheel with a pike or two attached to it. There was also a large man who demanded a toll. If you paid, he would spin the pike and you could pass, if you tried to make a break for it you'd probably end up being harpooned by the pike. So, you see, the absolutely ridiculous origin of the word "turnpike". Pictures are on the dummbox of the whole ordeal. Even pictures of Mr. Hoen's brother was looks just like Roger Moore.

My uncle showed up for a second Christmas a few days later and that, naturally, involved a great deal of red wine. We also discussed possible employment opportunities with his new employer, SAS.

Some time passed and I think it involved going to work, but more memorable was seeing old friends. An old roommate of mine from the fraternity stopped in for a night. He currently lives and works in Washington state and I haven't seen him for two years or more. We went out to a local watering hole where I ran into a bunch of other folks from high school and before. It was really quite glorious for a weeknight.

Then it was time for New Years. Champa and I decided to head up to Montreal Thursday night where we would stay at Oliver's place down by the canal. I decided to put the 911 to the ultimate test by driving it up there and back again (700+ miles). It performed flawlessly. Not a hiccup. I evaded certain arrest at least twice. I don't know how. That car is way too fast.

Anyway we eventally got to Montreal and met up with Oliver, Annie, the Pone, and Pone's girlfriend Charlenne (sp?). Then Champa, Oliver and I headed to the Lizard's in a small town on the Richelieu southeast of Montreal. We partied there for the night and then headed back to Montreal the following day. Everyone immediately got back in bed and I was left as the sole motivator and organizer for New Year's Eve. Kaitlyn and her friend Miriam eventually showed up later in the evening. Excellent.

We all went out for dinner at the Spirit Lounge. I've never been to any place like this. Let's see, where to start...The place was strangely decorated with low-hanging drapes, umbrellas and tin foil...lots of tin foil. It was also very dark and made up of many small rooms with only a few tables. We were put in the back in the one big room. There was a large trap door on the floor that would move when you stepped on it. There were two hot lesbians eating dinner at a table nearby. They performed a very passionate kiss that was Hollywood-worthy. There were no menus, in fact, there was only one meal they were serving. It was vegetarian. I hope you don't mind vegetarian. If you didn't finish your main course you would be charged an extra two dollars. You had to use the bread served to wipe up any remaining sauces or leftovers on the plates. The plates had to be clean. If you ordered desert and then didn't finish you would be asked not to come back...ever. One of the waiters looked like Legolas from the Lord of the Rings movie and we would all feign shooting arrows whenever he walked by. It was an interesting experience. I think I took a picture of myself urinating in the bathroom.

Anyway we were going to go an 80s type party for the night but ended up going to l'SAT (La Société des Arts et Technologiques). They had some pretty good DJs from Germany and some cool video. The place is also a non-profit so it cost only $35 Canadian (which is actually almost as much as American money these days) to get in. Oh yeah, when I ordered a gin and tonic, it was about half and half and they used Bombay Sapphire. This was only $5.50 Canadian. Pretty damn good. I enjoyed these for the rest of the night. It took a while to realize it but most of the guys there were gay...or really European. (The suspiciously full stalls in the bathroom and suspiciously empty urinals gave this away). But this was fine because most of the girls were not gay or they were at least bi. I was approached on several occasions by girls looking for straight guys so it worked out pretty well for me, to say the least.

We eventually headed back to Oliver's apartment where we found a belligerently shitfaced Pone who eventually vomited and went to bed. We partied some more and discovered in Oliver's most drunken and ritalin engrossed state he walks around like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. Yes, the hunched back and forearms straight out with wiggling fingers. It's really quite strange. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. Eventually all went to bed.

New Year's day everything was closed and we spent most of the day inside...recovering. Oliver, Liz, Kaitlyn, Miriam and I went out for dinner to Le Taj. It was delicious Indian food although the man behind the glass kept a menacing eye on us while constantly brandishing his 3 foot skewer. No one knows what he does, but if you fuck up he will certainly turn you into a tasty Indian delicacy. We then went back to Oliver's for some more drinks and fun.

The following day I woke up underneath the piano. Steve and I promptly got our stuff together, said our goodbyes and thank-yous, and hit the road. The drive back was long and uneventful. We missed a nasty ice storm by an hour or so. That would've made the trip truly miserable. The 911 doesn't like ice and snow with summer tires on. That's fo sho!

That is all. Go away.

Words of the Day
discomfiture - anxious embarrassment: disconcertion
claque - a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance
efficacy - capacity or power to produce a desired effect
lecherous - given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity
bathos - triteness or triviality of style

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