
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I don't really feel like relaying this past weekends activities. It was fun partying at RPI that involved wearing the Whalers sweatshit so you know that means bad news.

Saturday I went skiing with 7+ snowboarders. This was sort of irritating but it was great to get out on the mountain for the first tracks of the season. Unfortunately I am realizing that my primarily liftserve winters are drawing to an end. It's fun but can get boring and it's certainly way too crowded. There's always someone in my way or someone who doesn't see me. Plus, tele/touring (like going up the mountaing under your own power before going down) is a much healthier hobby. Also, you get to enjoy the technicalities of mountaineering while you're doing it. I don't plan on ever giving up liftserve for good, but I probably will start to concentrate on tele more than liftserve starting next winter. This summer will be for collecting gear.

One of my roommates was given a large, two 10-inch cone, car subwoofer. Although I'm not even done with the Straight-8s I'm starting to put together an amplifier for this thing. It will be based off of an ESP kit: Project 68. 500+ watts. It's an interesting design because it has no built-in adjustments. It's 27dB of gain and that's all there is. Once I understand it I should be able to change out resistors to adjust the gain and operational frequencies but the first step is to get it together...without killing myself. Certain parts will operate at ~60V DC and about 5 amps. Huzzah!

Words of the Day
antimacassar - a cover to protect to back or arms of furniture
expectorate - clear out the chest and lungs; discharge phlegm: clear out, spit
miasmic - of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution; filled with vapor
nonagenarian - being from 90 to 99 years old
barmy - marked by spirited enjoyment; mentally irregular: zestful, loony

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