
Monday, April 12, 2004

Back from the Ravine. Ridiculous. This weekend was awesome and I can't have imagined a better way to celebrate Easter (besides going to church of course, HA!). I will merely wet your appetites with a few keywords/phrases and tomorrow I shall sate them with a full description and posted pictures: Brettl-Hupfers, Vern, disaster, co-ed fraternity for adults, vomit, Chet, cutting slow, ice, Rainman, flipcup, and Lady Linda of the Dance (one picture provides sole evidence that there is a God).

Other than that there's not much else to report. You all should check out this site. If you input your location it will show you what stars you can see and things like that. However, I'm not sure you many of you are familiar with the Iridium satellite phone system, but this site tracks their path around the globe. Their particular design basically makes them giant mirrors and they are constantly reflecting the sun onto the earth's surface. It's called an "iridium flare". What I'm trying to get at is you can input your location and the site will tell you when and how to actually see one of these flares. Apparently you can even see them during that day. How cool is that!? You can actually "see" a satellite that is orbiting the earth miles and miles away.

I would like to point out that the "outsourcing scare" is a twisted hypocrisy. How can we possibly be the leading capitalist nation and be worried about outsourcing. If it helps companies operate more efficiently then it should be supported. I'm not saying I'm a supporter, but I am pointing out the hypocrisy. For an American (or a media agent) to say that he or she does not support outsourcing is simply an oxymoron. Buffoonery!

I actually did catch part of an episode of the "The L-Word" a few weeks ago. It's very dramatic and rather engrossing. The lesbian sex is just a bonus. From what I saw, I would also recommend it.

Words of the Day
reticence - the trait of being uncommunicative: reserve, taciturnity
deference - respect and esteem due to an elder or superior: honor
dour - stubbornly unyielding: dogged, tenacious, grim
byre - barn for cows (of the livestock variety, alpha phi would not be a proper synonym)
myopic - lacking forsight, also being literelly nearsighted

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