
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Congrats Steve! I guess that means no more making mudpies in the rain...I'll need to wait til next week to figure if the weekend of the 23rd is ok. It probably is, but I promised another buddy I'd go to Tucks (again) with him that weekend. However, he is a serious flake so it's by no means final.

Pictures are posted at dumbbox. Some of the pictures are really big so it can be slow. I was thinking about archiving them so you could download the whole set, but that's kind of ridiculous. I'll just do a thumbnail-type view instead and try to make it user friendly.

So...Tuckerman's. I think I could write a book, but instead I'll give a quick summary. We left early on Friday, expecting to get a shelter for the seven of us (Seth, Tom, Corey, Steve, Ashley, Ian and myself). Unfortunately they had been closed out since 7AM and we arrived around 1PM. No luck there. Fortunately I had setup a deal with a guy ("Rainman") who is a member of a local ski club ("Brettl-Hupfers"). We were able to stay there for $10 a night (and we actually slept on beds!!!). They had a full bar and a great place to party. It was actually pretty similar to the house. Needless to say, we started doing ski shots of Jager (see pictures) around 3PM. People started showing up a bit later and we realized that it was basically a fraternity for adults. Results: Steve and I cut ourselves, Ashley booted, Corey (a Pike bro that came with us) hooked up with a 29 year old, and everyone was thorougly inebriated. The next day (after taking about 2 hours to get ready) we were on the trail up by 9AM and at the bottom of the bowl probably around noon. We took two runs - one up the "Left Gulley" and one in the "Center Gulley". Go here to see the "trail map". On the second run Steve and Vern climbed up over a cornice and became stuck in a rather nasty place. They both made it down alright. Steve looked whiter than Colin Powell. Seth made A turn and then fell head over heels down the entire bowl. I was in shock as he missed to large piles of rocks that certainly would have split his helmet (and probably his head) asunder. Unfortunately I didn't get the camera out in time. His equipment was all over the mountain and we waited a good hour before he and Ian were able to collect it all. We were then able to ski out about 2/3 of the way and hiked out the rest. All in all, we spent about 9 hours and 30 minutes hiking/climbing and probably about 15-30 minutes skiing. Yeah, it's a pretty silly thing to do, but you know the adage - "earn your turns". Back to Brettl-Hupfers for some apres-ski. Minor results: we embarassed the Bretts by destroying them in several games of flip cup, drank a handle of whiskey, drank a bottle of Bacardi O, Corey hooked up with the 29 year old again, Vern wore a sombrero, and I wore a beanie with a propellor. Major result (everything in life pales in comparison to what we witnessed): a forty-something two-tone femullet who could dance like Michael Jackson. I took only one picture because I knew no other could ever be better. There are very few words that can describe what we saw so I will leave you to search through the pictures to find the treasure. Her amazing liquid movements and flowing mane held us all in a state of awe which seemed sempiternal. Steve had very special feelings for her, that is, Lady Linda of the Dance.

That's plenty.

Words of the Day
compulsory - required by rule: mandatory (like drinking after skiing)
variegated - having a variety of colors: varicolored
alacrity - liveliness and eagerness: briskness
quip - a witty saying: epigram, wisecrack ("all your base are belong to us", actually, that's not very witty, just bad English, whatever)
satyr - a man with strong sexual desires: lecher

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