
Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Haha! Many have followed suit. It's great see all those wonderful blogs.

Yesterday in a rather unflattering display of stupidity I detonated an egg on my face. It was terrible. I will convey the story so you do not make the same mistake. Having returned home from work I put on some boiling water for a few delicious hard-boiled eggs. One was bigger than the other and somewhat undercooked after the boiling was done. Unfortunately I poured the water out so I couldn't submerge it again. So...what's the next best thing? The microwave. I nuked the larger egg (after eating the smaller) for 30 seconds and removed a thoroughly cooked and firm egg. Unable to contain myself I immediately bit into it and, then, all I remember is a flash of yellow and white and then a nasty burning sensation in my mouth and on my lips. I'm not exactly sure of the science behind it, but the egg exploded. Luckily I had my glasses on or else I could've had my eyes scourged out by congealed yolk pellets. Needless to say, I was in such pain from the burning I spent the next 3 hours with a cup of cold water up to my mouth. Today my upper lip is numb and I should hope the feeling returns.

I did get the DSL working and hopefully I can have the webserver up with pictures this evening. I had to call tech support while doing it because the louts left out part of the instructions. They had to deal with constant slurping, swallowing and groaning as I had the cup to my face the whole while I was the phone. Serves them right. Check back here for an IP later in the day.

I was going to provide a link to Bush's Burea of Faith-Based Weights and Measurements (as well as a rant) but it seems it no longer exists. Big surprise. He was going to try and bring back measurements like the cubit, bath, and shekel for federal buildings. Whatever happen to the idea of secularism? Whatever. The Bureau went over like a lead zeppelin (as the saying goes).

Words of the Day
unsullied - splotlessly clean and fresh: stainless, untainted (ie. not Sully)
apostate - not faithful to religion or cause: deserter, renegade
acquiesce - to agree or express agreement: assent, accede
bonhomie ["bä-n&-'mE, "bO-] - a disposition to be friendly and approachable: affability, geniality
rapt - deeply moved: enraptured, captive, absorbed

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