
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Several fun links today for your enjoyment.

I was reminded of the first after having read Andy's "Testimonial" of Craig ("soulless capitalist") on Friendster (and also having read "The Lexus and Olive Tree"). Oliver had shown me the following clip but I was rather inebriated at the time (in Montreal, of course) and did not recall until viewing the testimonial. It turns out Thomas Friedman isn't such a iniquitous dick afterall (don't get me wrong, the book was great, anyone interested in owning a business at some point in our future should read it): Rumsfeld is an asshole. Geez, here I go busting on Rumsfeld again...oh well.

The second is an excellent source of streaming, electronic music: di.fm. If you're behind a firewall the winamp stream won't work, but the windows media player will.

The third is an oddly humorous video produced by an Quebecois musician named Mononc Serge ("My Uncle Serge"). It's about killer potatos and has a catchy refrain: 'C'est bon la patate' ("The potato is good"). The song it thought to be about home-made poutine and the danger of the potato. Poutine will indeed kill after years of regular consumption. This particular video resulted in a great deal of screaming and shouting of the refrain in the streets of Montreal on one particularly late night. Someone then called someone a "Hebe", Oliver pretended to be Jewish and took a rather vocal offence, and we nearly were destroyed by a bunch of middle eastern 'madmen'. Anyway go to the site and click on "Les Patates" and watch the video (the others are hysterical as well). Enjoy.

Words of the Day
congenital - present at birth but not necessarily hereditary: innate, inherent
histrionic - characteristic of acting or stage performance: melodramatic
pediment - a triangular gable between a horizontal entablature and a sloping roof
chimera [kI-'mir-&, k&-] - grotesque product of the imagination (unfortunately, our president is not a chimera)
ectoplasm - substance supposed to emanate from the body of a medium during a trance (depending, of course, on your definition of "trance")

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