
Monday, April 05, 2004

Thanks to Corey, Mike, and Nate for putting up with me this weekend. If I were any of you I would charge me...I think. C-day was glorious and thanks to Aaron and the actives for hosting such an epic event. Pictures will be posted in a day or two (there are 51 thanks to Craig's and Andra's snapping). Check back here for instructions.

Interesting website of the day: RobitsWillKill. I believe you Arch-E types will enjoy this the most. It's kind of a website for "street" artists to post their work (and, inadvertently, incriminate themselves), but most of it has a RobotsWillKill motif (whatever that is). Two weekends ago, while in NYC, I had taken a picture of an RWK sticker that happened to be near me in a bar. Waking the next morning and discovering the picture sparked my interest, hence the link...enjoy.

Here's a new thing, Words of the Day (you can figure out the part of speech for yourself):
idiosyncrasy - a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group
voluble - marked by steady flow of speech (ahem...Corey)
promulgate - to state or announce
paean (pean) - a fervent expression of joy or praise
circuitous - being or taking a roundabout course (like, say, Rumsfeld's speech-google 2003 "Foot in Mouth Award" for more info)

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