
Thursday, April 08, 2004

Well, I finally figured out the Samba server so I could access my windows pc on my linux machine. Unfortunately it was at 7:30am this morning so I didn't have time to put the pictures on the site. However, you can now go to dumbbox.dyndns.org and see that I actually do have a server running (I wasn't lying this whole time). And so far, I haven't payed a dime for anything. You too can have a free dns like me, just go here, and go here for a free webserver (apache). I should mention that the muzackShare script is working well, but it's only using a few test directories right now. I'll put the real music on there today or Sunday, along with the pictures.

My face still hurts from the egg thing.

I'm heading up to the Tuckerman Ravine this weekend for some skiing and hiking. It looks like the final tally is Steve B, Ian M, Ashley P, Murch, Murch's gf, Kirk and myself. "Apparently" Vern will be meeting us up there with some friends. Any of you up in Troy are welcome to come as well. I do have extra gear and we will be leaving early Friday morning. Here for Tuckerman's weather and general info. Here for the Tuckerman's community and even more info.

A final link for everyone's enjoyment: Jimmy. I will warn you that Jimmy went to RPI. He graduated sometime in the mid 80s. Jimmy is a brilliant individual (a BS in Math and CompSci and an MS in CompSci in four years at the 'Tute and then onto Yale, as I understand it) and he knows everything about everything. The website (especially the master "Links" page) has a wealth of information and you will certainly enjoy his incessant ranting.

Words of the Day
ardent - characterized by intense emotion: fervent, impassioned (rossi...about everything - I made him leave the table while playing quarters last weekend because I bounced a quarter into his white russian right after he asked everyone not to, ha!)
baleful - deadly or sinister: baneful, menacing
depredation - an act of plundering/pillaging/marauding: ravage (think pirates, yarrr!)
carte blanche ['kärt-'blänsh, -'blänch] - full descretionary power
petulant - easily irritated or annoyed: cranky, peevish

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