
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Well I've finally started on a project and have actual work to do. I'm working with the tax man for the state of CT. Zounds! It could be more exciting but the people I'm working with more than make up for the lack of alacrity. Lots of links for your liking.

Nothing else too exciting. I was in Troy Friday for Kendra's lettering, my job keg (#9), and Jer's engagement. We had beers and went to the Ruck. Ya know, the usual. Luckily I didn't get cauliflower ear. The dumbbox is still undergoing work to make the pictures go faster. Don't forget about September 19th. Laibach is a ridiculous Serbian music-maker. Don't worry, they're only jokingly anti-semitic. Browse around and see what they look like. Read about them here. This website producer has some awesome artsy links including the site for Boards of Canada. If you've never heard them before then go to the link and play around. It has some music.

Words of the Day
tabla - a pair of small Indian drums
thrum - sound with monotonous hum
respite - a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort: recess, abatement
plosive - produced by complete closure of the oral passage and subsequent burst of air (like saying 'p' or 'd')
embroil - force into some kind of situation or action: tangle, drag in

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