
Monday, May 10, 2004

This past weekend I was up in Boston with Steve, Billy, Beardo, Blue, Kirk, and a slew of alumni. We stayed at Turner's in Somerville. Beardo and I rode our bikes all over Boston on Saturday. We met up with Billy and Steve in Boston Common and terrorized the wannabe New-Yorkers on Newbury street. We saw two of the coolest "street" bands ever. The first was a sassy Japanese five-piece jazz band. They clearly were there just to play in the road rather than beg for donations. The second was a duo called Urban Electronica. It was the first electronic street band I have ever seen. It was two guys, one playing drums and the other with a homemade Roland-based beat machine/mixer. It was very, very cool. They basically are just trying to raise electronic music awareness in the area and they give all their donations to a local soup kitchen. Oh yeah, Steve found a sticker on a parking meter that had a skull and crossbones. It read "Pirates Against Bush". He removed the sticker and placed it on his chest. Yar.

Luckily, I do have one excellent story (I sorely miss these random adventures that seem only to occur at or with people from school). On Friday night after leaving Porter's we headed over to the MIT chapter house. They are terrible geeks and the house was dead silent on a late Friday night (actually it was probably around 2AM Saturday morning). It's a shame because they live in a beautiful 4 story, $4 million, brownstone on Mass Ave. We bothered them for while, went up onto their roof for a wonderful view and patronized a Quebecois Physics major. We (Billy, Steve, Blue, Beardo, Kirk, and I) then decided we should walk back to Somerville. Beardo got into a raging fury and power-walked home at a clip that Steve, Billy, and me could not keep up with. Blue and Kirk were lost and ended up in New Hampshire. However, about half way back, Billy, Steve and me were picked up by an illegal taxi. The driver resembled a sharp-dressed Mos Def with a fine white fedora. He drove a shiny, new black, all-leather interior Saab. Remember what your mother said about not getting into cars with strangers...well we forgot. It turns out the guy was a Freemason which made things even stranger and I wouldn't have entered the car had I known this. But, all in all, he was a nice fellow just trying to make a few extra bucks on the side (he was normally a limo driver). Kevin (the cab-driver) told us about his three kids in college and living Boston, etc. and then he told us about some people who had not paid him earlier in the evening. Well, we half-persuaded him to take us to this place because it was one the way home. We all got out and he started banging on the door shouting about his money. I noticed a tear in the screen of a downstairs window where he said he had started to harass the non-payers earlier in the night. He then proceeded to tear the entire screen off, throw open the sash, and tear the curtains and someone's comforter away from the inside the house. All this was happening while he was screaming about the money they owed. We heard people whimpering inside, obviously afraid of the black man who demanded compensation (let me tell you, there are NO black people in Boston as far as I can tell, especially in the rich suburbs). Anyway, the three of us stood there with mouths wide open as we witnessed the felony. Needless to say, we all got out of their fast...without leaving behind our faithful, felonious cab-driver. So, for a flat-rate of $10 we got to Somerville from Boston in a very nice taxi, were accomplises to a felony, and arrived back at Turner's before the blustering Beardsworth around 5AM. That was fun.

Words of the Day
quiff - a prominent forelock (think: Pert Plus hair)
puce - a color varying from dark purplish brown to dark red
louse - wingless bloodsucking insect: lice
frenetic - frenzied or frantic (like Beardo's hellfire hike to Somerville)
balustrade - a railing at the side of staircase or balcony: banister

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