
Monday, September 20, 2004

I see that Stephen has started updating his blog again. This has motivated me to do the same. Although there is really nothing exciting about the work week, the weekends are definitely worth the words.

It appears that my last blog was just about 3 months ago at the beginning of the summer. All I can say is that summer went by incredibly fast. I can't possibly recall everything that's happened in that last 12 weeks but alot of the time has been spent moving into my new apartment, working on the jeep, and riding bikes.

This past weekend Ben and I drank and fought Friday night and then I headed up to Boston for some boozing and biking Saturday and Sunday. I met up with Stephen, Michael, (Abi)gail, and Liza at Michael's in Medford. We went out to the Beantown pub and proceeded throught the usual shenanigans (but they kept me away from the Harvard campus this time). Mams. Sunday Steve and I went for a ride at Bruce and Tom's Excellent Adventure out in Gloucester. It was a pretty serious freeride park and I fucked myself up pretty seriously on a double drop. I chipped a tooth and have given myself a horrible neck sprain complete with the sore throat. Basically its an over-extension of the ligaments in the neck vertebrae caused by some rapid movement of the head or body. Apparently it's a pretty common sports injury so I'm not too worried about it, but it will take a little while to heal. I'm blaming it on my currently rigid Boxxer fork. It needs to be taken apart again and the bushings need to be inspected because the stanchions aren't moving at all. It's not a very effective freeride fork at the moment.

I'll take some pics of the new apartment and post them on the dumbbox today or tomorrow.

For any of you outdoors folks I strongly recommend the following text: Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills. Even if you're only into hiking this a very important text to have. Buy it, read it, know it.

Words of the Day
stasis - an abnormal state in which the normal flow of a liquid is slowed or stopped
evanescence - the event of fading from sight (yes, I had quite the evanescence after landing on my head Sunday)
miff - a state of irritation or annoyance
precarious - affording no ease or reassurance: perilous, shaky
nonpareil ["nän-p&-'rel] - eminent beyond or above comprehension: unrivaled, paragon

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