
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

My neck is much better today. It seems that the swelling in the spine has subsided for the most part and I have near full range motion. I suppose it really has time to heal at night when the weight of my head isn't resting on it. Perhaps I'll be good for a ride this weekend. Now it just feels like I have pulled muscles in my neck (and shoulder).

Here is the speaker kit I will be building for the apartment. Unfortunately they are no longer available but Oliver has an unbuilt kit that's been sitting around for a year or so that I'm going to take over. Hopefully Jimmy and I can get started on that this week. Bottlehead is an awesome company for audio(phile) kits.

Words of the Day
coalesce - mix together different elements: blend, merge
massif - a block of the earth's crust bounded by faults and shifted to form peaks of a mountain range
pantomime - a performance using gestures and body movements without words
kreplach - Jewish dumplings
buxom - having a large bosom or pleasing curves (Gail)

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