
Monday, September 27, 2004

This weekend was pretty quiet, except for Thursday night. I went out to Springfield, MA (don't ask) with people from work. It was the usual wasted shenanigans (hey, Farva, what's that restaurant you like down by the river?) that will cause lots of awkward moments today. Whatever. Friday I collected the materials for the speakers and I was up until 3:30 or so building one of them. I haven't started on the other yet. I still have to order parts for the crossover, but hopefully I can get the cabinets done this week as long as Jimmy gets over his cold.

The Boxxer went back together Saturday night after I drove all the way to Bethel, CT to get the parts from Bethel Cycle. They had a couple of cool fixed gears there. Speaking of fixed gears, I picked up a shitty road bike from a Baptist Church tagsale in Hartford. They lured me in by asking only $20 but that was only a very small fraction of the true payment. I had to sit there and listen to this lady tell me I was a sinner and what not because I don't go to church and I'm going straight to hell because I don't talk to god everyday. Ugg. A great way to get someone interested in your church. She also gave me some pamphlets that went straight in the garbage. I don't understand these people...not at all.

Anyway, Steve came down Sunday and we went for a ride at Nassahegon out in Burlington. It wasn't as good as Nepaug but we found some cool stuff. We discovered the infamous "Widowmaker" and its little brother "Anglophobia". We didn't attempt either. There was a cool trail across Stone Rd from the Widowmaker trail that had some nice ramps built into it and a couple of drops. My neck is definitely not healed as I tweaked it again just from the impact of the drop. Also near the Widowmaker were some old dirt jumps that Steve thoroughly enjoyed. We then ended up in Devil's Kitchen and went for a long XC-like ride. We had to take the road to get back because we were so far from the cars. Road riding sucks on 40lb freeride bikes. Probably Nepaug next time.

Words of the Day
dybbuk ['di-b&k] - a demon enters the body of a living person and controls that body's behavior (Jewish folklore)
trope - language used in a figurative manner: figure or speech
feral - wild and menacing: savage
psychotropic - affecting the mind or mood: psychactive
couture [kü-'tur, -'t[UE]r] - high fashion designing and dressmaking

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