
Monday, October 25, 2004

Classic rockstar weekend complete with booze, drugs (well the moonshine certainly cannot be considered booze) and women. Steve's blog has an excellent recount with pictures. So instead I'll just do...

A Saturday in the Life of Yours Truly.
10:30AM - Pick myself up of the floor. Shake off the hangover. Where am I? Somewhere in Medford, ahh yes, Mercaldi's.
11:00AM - Steve and Mercaldi wake up and we discuss plans for the day. It should involve food, home depot, stop'n'shop, a Tufts bio lab, Groveland, Haverhill, and then Manch-vegas for the HomeBrew Halloween party.
11:30AM - Arrive at Johnny D's for brunch. Excellent. Then back to Mercaldi's.
01:30PM - Arrive at home depot for costume shopping. Mercaldi and I will be robots. We need flexible aluminum ducting for the arms and legs, duct tape, and aluminum duct tape. Around $40 for both costumes, not bad. Then off to various stores looking for mason jars for Steve' potato moonshine. We can't find any. Must be jamming season. Pick up some aluminum foil at a food store. Head to the bio lab so Mercaldi can transfer his bacteria cultures. Go dumpsterdiving at the physics building and snag a sweet rack-mount power supply.
05:00PM - Arrive back at Mercaldi's. Shower, collect overnight items, head to the Tasty Gourmet for dinner. Then up to Groveland. Collect Steve's overnight things and his flamingo costume.
07:00PM - Arrive at the house of Steve's friend John. Get the pale ale homebrew together, get the milky moonshine ready, take forever to build the robot costumes. Off to Manch-vegas.
09:45PM - Arrive at Kirk and Sully's apartment in Manch-vegas. Quickly put the costumes together. Enter the apartment. Homebrew. Shots. 01010011. Booze. Moonshine. Spill a drink on Steve's new camera. 00000000. Fight the other robot. 00000001. Pass out in the robot costume. Woken up. Robot costume is destroyed. Hook up in the kitchen. 11111111. People keep walking in. I wish they would stop. Pass out in the dingy basement.

Words of the Day
precocious - characterized by exceptionally early development
polemic - involving dispute or controversy; a controversy
pique - to arouse anger in: irritate, pride
pittance - an inadequate payment
ablution - the ritual of washing of a priest’s hands or of sacred vessels

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