
Monday, October 18, 2004

A rather uncircumstantial weekend. Friday night I went over to Jim's and we finished up the Straight-8 cabinets. Dumbbox has the details. The spray on glue used to stick in the insulation was horribly toxic so I dressed in a full Tyvek suit and used a chemical respirator. There are pictures of course. I look quite silly. Saturday was spent tinkering with the Jeep. I've got it running pretty damn well now and all that is really left to make it "street legal" is to have an exhaust shop do a real exhaust (not my ghetto cherrybombs that stick out behind the front wheels) and cover up the transmission tunnel somehow. We started out Saturday night watching the game and drinking some CC and gingers. All were pretty well saturated by the time we set out for the UCONN Law party nearby. At some point Ben and I got into a fight and knocked some furniture over. I had him pinned in the corner when he grabbed a vase from a nearby table and was about to smash it over my head when Dave (our third roommate) jumped in and took it away. That could've been real funny. There was a little Korean man who kept egging us on. I eventually went over and manhandled him into the skirmish but he got real pissed. I was afraid he was going to break out some crazy kung fu shit and I started laughing hysterically because all I could think of was that Simpson's where the Chinese mafia and the Italian mafia get into a fight in their front yard and that little China man comes flying through the window...Apparently he didn't see the same humor in the situation. The rest of the night is foggy but I recall one point where both Ben and Dave stepped into a pond out behind the party one right after the other. I was taking a piss at the time and got it all over myself because I was laughing so hard. Sunday was less than eventful. There was a great plan to meet up with Steve and Kendra and go for a hike. I did the research while still drunk early Sunday morning before leaving. We were going to hike up to this abandoned logging town called Glastenbury in southern VT. Well we missed a turn on the way up, it started raining, I was the only one who actually had any hiking gear, etc. Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to so we just ended up going to the Madison Brewery in Bennington for dinner and then coming home. Oh well. Jim and I watched Rally Corsica when I got back and he said the hike up there is actually pretty tough so it's probably a good thing we didn't find it seeing as no one was prepared. Sebastien Loeb (running for Citroen) has clinched the title for the year with two races still left. The dude is only like 23. This is certainly the beginning of a long reign. Oh, the shaggin' wagon is pretty much done. I can still get through all the gears, but can't apply any gas in third really because it just revs way up without anything happening. It also stinks like burning ATF when you drive it. We're hoping it will fail in a dramatic way, like a big explosion or something. Anyway, I think it's finally time to get that 911...

Words of the Day
ape-to imitate slavishly but often with an absurd result
insensate-devoid feeling and animation; without compunction or human feeling: inhuman, cold
monomania-a mania restricted to one thing or idea
avatar-a new personification of a familiar idea; manifestation of a Hindu deity; incarnation
imperious-able to deal authoritatively with ideas: masterful

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