
Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I caught a cold the weekend before last when I decided it would be a good idea to sleep outside on a couch. When I woke up the water I had brought with me to the couch was frozen. I thought I had the cold beat but last night I woke up at 5AM with a raging cough. I really hope it gets better for this week's festivities. Because of the cold I haven't been doing anything terribly exciting, but I did force myself to go see the Reverend Glasseye and His Wooden Legs up in Boston. The Reverend put on an excellent show and I bought his new CD while at the "venue". I reccommend him to all.

I went to Jim's last night to finish painting the speakers. We had this awesome idea to make them look like stacked dice. We even made a mask out of wood with 7 holes to use for the painting. I started spraying the dice on and overspray got everywhere and it was going to take forever so we just decided to fuck it. We took some white and red spray paint and randomly sprayed everywhere. They look really shitty now. Whatever, they will probably sound better than your $2000 German speakers. Tonight we will hopefully pop all the drivers in a get them pumping.

Party at my place Wednesday night. Everyone's invited.

Words of the Day
assuage - to cause to be more favorably inclined, satisfy (thirst): appease, slake
litany - any long and tedious address or recital
tinnitus - a ringing booming sensation in one or both ears (apparently the head sound guy for Metallica has tinnitus at three separate frequencies in both ears at about 80 decibels, that's nearly shouting loud)
admonish - counsel in terms of someone’s behavior: warn, caution
maunder - wander aimlessly; talk indistinctly: mutter

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