
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I'm pretty damn sure that Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday. The food, the friends, the family. Every year, the fourth Wednesday of November you know you're going to meet up with most of your old friends from high school at a neighborhood bar. And every year, the fourth Thursday of November you know you're going to play a football game with the neighborhood assholes and then eat until you pass out after trying not to die laughing when Dad makes up a prayer. You then have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to look forward to for the same shenanigans. It's absolutely the shortest, sweetest holiday. It's quite a jovial time.

Anyway, that's how my Thanksgiving went. We had parties at the apartment both Wednesday and Friday and by the time Saturday night rolled around I was exhausted. We stayed out until the bar closed, said our final farewells, and went back for a deep sleep.

A few other cool things have happened. Saturday I finally went rockcliming with my newly purchased gear. Jimmy has a cool place to practice in the West Hartford Reservoir on a good 50 foot rock face. It has mantles, overhangs, flat rock, etc. all on this fairly small face. It was really cool. It's absolutely nothing I've ever done before. You get to climb lines you would never otherwise try because a fall would result in certain death. So you get in these dangerous situations but they're really not that dangerous because when you fall (and I did) you just get caught by your belayer. I also did some rappelling down this face which was equally as fun but not nearly as tiring.

Yesterday I recieved a bunch of parts for the ESP 500W sub amp. I started sodomozing it together and hopefully will be done in the next couple of weeks. I finished up the Straight 8 speakers last week (pictures on the dumbbox) and they sound awesome.

Not much else to report, but I should get the 911 this week. Uh-oh.

Words of the Day
surreptitious - marked by quiet caution and secrecy: lurking, clandestine
estancia - (cattle) ranch in south America
subterfuge - something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
imprecation - the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil; slanderous accusation
consternation - fear resulting from the awareness of danger: dismay

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