
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Bored. Boring. BorRED. Lalalala. Let's see...I went to Okemo last weekend for some skiing and other general stupidity. Beautiful weather, beautiful snow. WAY too many people. The AT skis didn't fit in the Porsche so I was forced to do liftserve all weekend. Oh well.

I was randomly convinced by some coworkers to go to San Francisco for a few days in the beginning of March. Hopefully I'll see the other side of the family. They're pretty cool. Tickets weren't too much and California is always a good time.

I'm going to Mt Snow again this weekend and will definitely be bringing the AT skis. I have no desire to deal with the crowds. There will be like 7-9 people staying in Kevin's condo so it'll be a real tight and most certainly an adventure. I'll be sleeping on the floor no doubt.

There is no flow to this blog entry.

I guess the bloggers have been stirring up some trouble. Peggy Noonan wrote an article and it's showed up on prestigious TV shows such as the Daily Show. The mass media is getting all pissy because bloggers can do whatever they want and people are starting to turn to them for news. It's excellent. Big media outlets suck. I like to think people read my blog too. At least that's what I tell myself when I spend time writing these entries.

Words of the Day
inflection - change in the form of a word to indicate a change in its grammatical function
simulacrum - an insubstantial or vague semblance: effigy
autodidact - one who is self-taught
inchoate [in-'kO-&t, 'in-k&-"wAt] - only partly in existence, imperfectly formed
reproach - a mild rebuke or criticism

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