
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Last weekend was again spent at Mt Snow. Saturday I skinned up to the summit from the base which took a good hour and a half. It definitely is the most efficient way to travel on snow. However, coming down I was a disaster. The 198s were way too long and they didn't have any sidecut. Sad to say I think I've forgotten how to ski on straight longboards. Oh well, they're a thing of the past.

This weekend will probably be spent at Tuckerman's. I'm still keeping an eye on the avalanche advisory though. They've had 57 inches in the last week or so. There will definitely be plenty of snow. An artic front is moving in and the winds are high so its going to be cold and there's lots of loading on the leeward slopes. Today's advisory is "High" for most of the bowl. That would mean no skiing today. I don't think we'll go unless it's "Moderate" to "Low". Way too dangerous.

These blogs are getting boring but I have a few potential adventures coming up that will hopefully yield some good stories. Tuckerman's is certainly one of them. The first weekend in March I'll hopefully be going down to NYC for a friend's b-day party from college. New York is always an adventure. San Francisco is also just around the corner and I'm beginning to look forward to that more and more for a handful of reasons. And, finally, in the beginning of April I'll be heading to Greece to see my brother who is there abroad. Good stories no doubt.

Words of the Day
banal - obvious and dull: trivial, trite
protean - taking on different forms
syllogism - a deductive scheme of formal argument consisting of a major and minor premise and a conclusion
inexorable - not to be placated or appeased by entreaty: relentless, adamant
reprove - to scold or correct (with kindly intent)

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