
Monday, October 08, 2007

Another gorgeous day in Nederland. Today was the first leg of the actual tour. I rode 70 miles from The Hague to Zaltbommel. It went pretty well although I did get turned around in a couple of the larger cities. For the most it's really easy to follow the roads as things are signed very well and often time their are separate signed bikepaths (fietspad) where no cars are allowed. Unfortunately I left my mini-USB cable in the Hague so no new pictures today. I'll upload some tomorrow when I get a new cable in town. However, I do have interactive routes of where I went biking back near the coast on Friday and Saturday.

Tonight I'm staying in the luxorious Hotel Tivoli. Pictures tomorrow to show its beauty, but, to give you an idea, I had to go to a Chinese restaurant to check-in.

This was Friday's ride around the Hague. Interactive Google map here.

And this was Saturday's ride with Craig around the Hague. Interactive Google map here.

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