
Friday, October 12, 2007

A quick post on the Dutch. Now that I’ve left the Netherlands and entered Germany, I want to write a quick piece about the Dutch and travelling in the Netherlands. I would first like to say that it was a pleasure. I’d admittedly never thought about travelling in the Netherlands until this bike trip. But now I will definitely think about going back (besides, I didn’t even get to spend a night in Amsterdam). The Dutch are generally friendly to tourists, most of the Dutch understand and speak English well, and they are excellent business people. The Netherlands are clean, they have good weather (as far as I can tell), the transportation systems are efficient and well-signed, and, because their money comes from their successful financial businesses, you don’t feel like everyone is trying to gip you as a tourist (whereas in Greece, where tourism is the number one industry, I felt like everyone was trying to sell me a crappy product or service). Anyway, it was a pleasurable experience all around and I would recommend a visit to anyone (especially a cyclist – that’s what the country is made for).

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