
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday (Freiburg->Basel, Switzerland), 50mi

I've successfully reached my final destination. It was freezing (literally) when I got started, but it turned into the perfect day to finish my trip. The wind was at my back and the sky was clear and sunny.

The first thing I did this morning was go to the local bike shop to acquire a spoke nipple. The guy had one there and I found a sunny parking lot to repair my rear wheel in. It looks like the nipple had been broken for a day or two and only last night did the spoke pop out of the hole. Anyway, I replaced the spoke and the wheel was back to normal. I then hit the road and made for Switzerland.

Not a whole lot exciting happened that I can think of. Because the wind was coming from behind I cruised faster than most days. I also was probably about 10lbs lighter due to the stuff I sent back home yesterday. This part of the Rhine seems to be just a river which was nice - no factories and no barges. It was shallow and noisy, but still just as wide. Eventually I came to Basel which is a beautiful city. I found the hostel and secured a bed pronto. I wanted to celebrate tonight but couldn't find the right establishment. Perhaps in Milan...

Well, after just over 700 miles in the saddle I must say that it was really fun. I'm not sure what the next trip will be, but maybe the Nile?

The route and the interactive route.

The broken nipple next to its spoke. The head was sheared right off and I later found it sitting in the spoke hole on the rim.

Here I am trying to show how cold it is with my breath. You can't really see, but it was damn cold. Everything was covered in frost!

Repairing the wheel in the parking lot of an Aldi Sud. I got some weird looks.

Saying goodbye to the vineyards of the Black Forest.

Lunch on the Rhine.

Infiltrating the Swiss border. At least they actually have border guards - not that they do anything. I just walked my bike through.

Basel, Switzerland!

Awesome....congrats, henry! Psyched for you. xo.
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