
Friday, October 05, 2007

So I arrived in Amsterdam today. The flight was pretty uneventful although I did sit next to a very talkative Indian man who thought that Barack Obama would not make a good president because 90% of America's prisons are black (the actual figure is closer to 50%). Anyway, I arrived here around 7:30AM and took the train to The Hague. I discovered pretty quickly that a 50lb bike bag on one shoulder and 45lb duffle on the other is rather uncomfortable. Rather than taking the trams to Craig's place I just made a 10 minute bike ride from the station. It was pretty easy.

We said hello and Craig took off for work. I then showered and took a much-needed nap (said Indian man didn't seem to mind talking to someone who was "asleep"). I then went for a ride for a few hours to check out the city. It's an interesting place and very flat which makes for great riding. It's also about 7 feet above sea level which makes for great danger of slipping off the road into a dike (dijk). I got lost in the dunes to the north of the city and barely found my bike before dark. Came back, showered, and went for dinner with Craig. Certainly a nice welcome and it's not even raining!

Tomorrow I'll take more pictures of the area, but here are two choice pics from today:

Bike all packed up and ready to ride to Craig's from the train station.

Yep, Lookout!

I like you, Tripp. Have a good and safe bike ride.
No scratch, no snatch.
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