
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday (Mannhiem->Karlsruhe), 60mi

Well, it's 8pm here and I'm sitting in a square somewhere in Karlsruhe. It's a pretty big town with a nice palace and tons of shops (if you like that sort of thing - the Europeans certainly do). I barely have a signal so I might not be able to upload pictures, but we'll see.

Today's ride was not so exciting as the terrain has gotten pretty flat again and I was mostly in the woods without being able to see the Rhein. However, I did get lost once and ended up in a farmer's field (again) for a while. The weather was great though. I really have been lucky.

I stopped in a pretty cool town called Speyer which had a nice old section. There was massive cathedral that looks like it was recently rebuilt with all the old sections of a previous cathedral that had been destroyed. There are some pics below.

Seeing as I don't have much to report, I guess I'll talk about the bike. So far, it's been great. The dérailleur hanger got a bit bent on the plane ride over so I had to adjust the dérailleur, but it works fine now. Also, the largest front chainring got busted on the flight over so it's a bit bent. However, I've only used the gear once and it was way too scary with the trailer, so no matter. Umm, that's about it for today. Although, I must say that it is getting difficult not being able to have a conversation with anyone (the Germans barely speak any English, unlike the Dutch).


The route. Interactive.

Another ferry crossing today...

Inside the Speyer cathedral. The largest Romanesque church in the world.

Outside the Speyer cathedral.

There I am out in front.

The Rhein at last...

Lunchtime in Worth-am-Rheins.

The palace at Karlsruhe.

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