
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Christ, haven't written anything here in a while. Had a few drinks and feeling rather sassy so I thought I'd post something.

I work at this "engineering compound", as a friend calls it. It's way up in the mountains of Colorado. It's a beautiful place. The job is weird though. Sometimes the euphemism "sinking ship" comes to mind. Sometimes I get all excited about "transformational change". Who knows.

How'd I get here? Dunno. I get this question whenever I meet someone new. The partial answer is simple - a woman. The rest is something I'm still figuring out. It was certainly time for a change. I'm not going to be a software engineer anymore. The idea is to do good, right? To make this place we live in better for my kids and their kids, I think. I'm pretty sure I've finally embarked on the beginning of that path, but it's a long, winding road. Where? How? I'm really not sure.

But this is good. A long, winding road means we've caught it at the beginning. The opportunities are everywhere. A revolution is at hand. It will run much deeper and last much longer than the dot com bullshit. (And there's "synergy" there too, but I'm not telling how to capitalize on that).

Anyway, I'm questioning what I'm doing here. They try so hard and everyone has the right ideals. But, financially we fail. There is a lack of leadership and there is a lack of overall goals and a greater strategy. I think that will be remedied soon and then perhaps we can succeed. But still I question if this is the right place for me. So much thinking and not enough doing. We need action.

Most recently I've had to take on the webmaster duties - a monkey's job. And I can't tell anyone that I've been promoted. A Strange Place. I should have free time. Currently I use it to work on the chief scientist's efficient home. I'm learning quite a bit there. As long as there are additional duties where I can continue to LEARN - then all is well. The outdoor environment is of course excellent. That also helps.

Recently I ran into my old bosses. Scott immediately questioned my plan to go back to school a year or so down the road. He asked, "Why? You're on the front lines". Excellent. I didn't think about it this way. We are on the front lines. This is the new future. I will stick around and see what happens. I will learn as much as I can here. I can't be discouraged with my current, "official" job.

"The rocky road to Dublin, 1-2-3-4-5".

The snows are coming. Visit.

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